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Dental Health: 7 Flossing Tips From the Professionals

Radiant Dental Studio • Oct 21, 2021

We've compiled our top flossing tips from the dental care experts. Read more about how to floss correctly with advice from your dentist in Bayside, NY.

More than 50% of Americans feel self-conscious about their teeth. These Americans feel like they can't reach their optimal dental health and so hide their smiles. 

Having excellent oral health is simply a question of having a routine and knowing a few simple techniques. Chief among these techniques is flossing. If your dentist in Bayside, NY, has advised you to start flossing, then you'll want to know a few tips for doing it effectively. 

Here's your guide to flossing that keeps your teeth fresh and clean. 

1. Get the Right Floss

Any floss is better than no floss, but there are a few things you can look out for that can help you get the most out of your flossing. There are two main types of floss; these are standard floss and dental tape. 

Standard floss is the most common form of floss that you'll find in shops and can come as either waxed or unwaxed floss. Waxed floss is stronger than unwaxed floss, and so it's less likely to break apart against your teeth. You can also buy flavors of standard floss to make the experience more enjoyable and leave your teeth feeling fresher. 

Dental tape is broad and flat and looks somewhat like a ribbon. It's great for people with braces and big gaps. 

2. Use the Right Amount

The best dentist will always give you a detailed guide on how to accurately floss your teeth. Like choosing the right floss for you, you also have to ensure that you're using the right amount. 

Most dentists recommend using around 18 inches of floss at a time. This length gives you enough floss to be able to tightly wrap around your fingers and have a clean bit of floss for each tooth. 

3. Floss Thoroughly

An extremely important thing about flossing is how thoroughly you do it. You want to be gentle, but you also need to make sure that you're getting everything and getting between each tooth. You should try to spend at least a minute a day flossing your teeth. 

Many people find their back teeth too hard to reach with their floss and end up just leaving it. The problem with this is while your front teeth will be healthy and clean, your back teeth can begin to cause you problems and deteriorate your overall dental health. 

Don't be concerned if your gums appear to bleed when you're flossing. This is perfectly normal for people who have never flossed before and even more expected if you're flossing to ward off the effects of gum disease. The bleeding should subside after around two weeks of consistent flossing.

4. Be Consistent

This is perhaps the most important tip on this list. You can't simply pick and choose when to floss; it won't have the effect you want it to. To get the most from your flossing, you need to be flossing each and every day. 

Skipping your flossing routine for a night or two is actually worse for your oral health than if you were to skip brushing. That's how important consistent flossing is. 

If you're struggling to remember that you need to floss every night, give yourself some gentle reminders. It can be an automated reminder on your phone that goes off before you need to do your oral hygiene routine. You can also help yourself by leaving your floss next to your toothbrush/toothpaste, so you've always got a visual reminder that you need to floss. 

Making flossing an everyday routine for you will transform your dental health more than you'd think was possible. 

5. The C-Shape

The last time you visited your local dentist, they may have shown you the proper technique for flossing. This is a vital step of the process and can really help your flossing keep your teeth clean and fresh. 

You want to create a C-shape when flossing. This increases the chances of your floss getting to all of the parts of your tooth. Most people have the misconception that flossing is just about getting to the bits in between your teeth, the aim of flossing is to clean your entire mouth, so you need to make sure you're flossing the actual teeth and not just the gaps in between. 

To floss effectively, wrap the floss tightly around your fingers and hold it between your thumb and forefinger.

Then, bring the floss up to your mouth and form a C-shape around the tooth, gliding the floss back and forth over each tooth.

6. Consider An Electric Flosser

If all the string and technique sounds too much for you, you could always invest in an electric flosser. 

These machines are similar to the dental hygiene machines that you'll see dentists using when you've scheduled an appointment for a cleaning. They use electricity to move bristles back and forth that get in between the gaps of your teeth and blast everything out of the way. 

They're a reasonable option, but they are, of course, much more expensive than buying standard floss. 

7. Keep Up Your Dentist Visits

If you haven't done so yet, then find a good dentist. Flossing and brushing are important, but you need to use a recommended dental service that can give you regular checkups and help you stay on top of your oral health. 

Your dentist can give you advanced flossing techniques, as well as countless other tips and tricks to help you keep your dental health in top shape. Spend some time searching online for the best dentists Bayside NY has to offer. 

Get Expert Dental Help From a Dentist in Bayside NY

If you don't currently floss, this article will help you realize the importance of it. But flossing and brushing are nothing without the backup of regular dentist visits. 

If you're thinking, "I don't know of a dentist near me," then you should reach out to us here at Radiant. We've been the go-to dentist in Bayside, NY, for a while now. Let us put a smile back on your face.

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